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欧盟就活性物资苯醚甲环唑的农药风险评估发布同业评审放大字体缩小字体时候:2024-07-29 10:10来历:食物火伴网作者: 泽夕 焦点提醒:据欧盟食物平安局(EFSA)动静,2024年7月26日,欧盟食物平安局就活性物资苯醚甲环唑(difenoconazole)的农药风险评估发布同业评审。 食物火伴网讯 据欧盟食物平安局(EFSA)动静,2024年7月26日,欧盟食物平安局就活性物资苯醚甲环唑(difenoconazole)的农药风险评估发布同业评审。 颠末评估,将苯醚甲环唑作为杀菌剂用在梨果、胡萝卜、小麦、年夜麦、黑小麦、黑麦和燕麦的根本上,欧盟食物平安局提出了合用在监管风险评估的靠得住端点,未发现问题。部门原文报导以下: The conclusions of the EFSA following the peer review of the initial risk assessment carried out by the competent authority of the rapporteur Member State, Spain, for the pesticide active substance difenoconazole are reported. The context of the peer review was that requested by the European Commission following the submission and evaluation of confirmatory information with regard to the consumer risk assessment. The conclusions were reached on the basis of the evaluation of the representative uses of difenoconazole as a fungicide on pome fruit, carrot, wheat, barley, triticale, rye and oats. The reliable endpoints concluded as being appropriate for use in regulatory risk assessment, derived from the available studies and/or literature in the dossier peer reviewed, are presented. Concerns were not identified. 本文由食物火伴网食物资讯中间编纂,有任何疑问,请联系news@foodmate.net。

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