欧盟评估由亚铁氰化钠和亚铁氰化钾构成的饲料添加剂对所有动物的平安性和有用性时候:2024-07-15 10:47来历:食物火伴网作者: 泽夕 焦点提醒:2024年7月12日,据欧盟食物平安局 (EFSA)动静,应欧盟委员会要求,欧盟动物饲料添加剂和产物(FEEDAP)研究小组就由亚铁氰化钠和亚铁氰化钾构成的饲料添加剂对所有动物的平安性和有用性颁发科学定见。 食物火伴网讯 2024年7月12日,据欧盟食物平安局 (EFSA)动静,应欧盟委员会要求,欧盟动物饲料添加剂和产物(FEEDAP)研究小组就由亚铁氰化钠和亚铁氰化钾构成的饲料添加剂对所有动物的平安性和有用性颁发科学定见。 部门原文报导以下: Following a request from the European Commission, EFSA was asked to deliver a scientific opinion on the safety and efficacy of sodium ferrocyanide and potassium ferrocyanide as technological feed additives for all animal species. In its previous opinion on the safety and efficacy of the additives, the FEEDAP Panel concluded that the use of sodium ferrocyanide and potassium ferrocyanide is safe, when added to sodium chloride at a maximum content of 80 mg ferrocyanide anions (anhydrous)/kg for turkeys for fattening and laying hens and other laying/breeding birds, all porcine species and categories, all ruminant species and categories, rabbits, horses, salmonids and other minor fin fish, dogs and cats. However, the Panel could not conclude on the safety of the additives for chickens for fattening and other poultry species for fattening or reared for laying/breeding other than turkeys, and for all species/categories other than the above listed. In the current assessment, the applicant is proposing a maximum content of 60 mg ferrocyanide anions (anhydrous)/kg sodium chloride for chickens for fattening and other poultry species (except turkeys) for fattening or reared for laying/breeding and for all species/categories other than the listed above. The FEEDAP Panel concluded that sodium ferrocyanide and potassium ferrocyanide are safe at a maximum content of 80 mg ferrocyanide anions (anhydrous)/kg sodium chloride for: turkeys for fattening and reared for breeding, laying hens and other laying/breeding birds, all porcine species, all ruminant species, rabbits, equines, salmonids and minor fin fish, dogs and cats. The Panel concluded also that a maximum content of 60 mg ferrocyanide anions (anhydrous)/kg sodium chloride is safe for chickens for fattening and minor poultry species for fattening or reared for laying/breeding and all other animal species. 本文由食物火伴网食物资讯中间编纂,有任何疑问,请联系news@foodmate.net。